Medication Management & Patient Safety in the Home

Medication management is one of the most important aspects of home health care.  Medication management encompasses making sure that the prescription drugs are administered as intended.  At the heart of medication management is the desire to keep the patient safe.  Medication management assistance may be supervised by a physician, family member, or a skilled nursing professional like a caregiver.

Who Needs Medication Management?

Patients with impairments or long-term caregiver needs benefit from medication management assistance.  Alzheimer patients may require assistance in the area of medication reminders in order to have dosages closely monitored and taken on schedule.  People who take numerous medications may benefit from the added oversight medication management provided by a skilled nursing professional or caregiver.

Why Do People Need Medication Management?

Medication management keeps patients safe in a number of ways.  It prevents a person from taking a dosage too soon.  It prevents hidden drug interactions from going undetected due to close supervision by the caregiver.  A person at risk for discontinuing the prescribed medication can be better engaged by a skilled nursing professional.  Prescriptions can be monitored and refilled promptly, protecting the patient from missing any dosages due to prescriptions going unfilled.  The correct dosage is also another key component of proper medication management.  The patient is more likely to get the intended benefit of the medication by taking the prescribed amounts at the correct intervals.

How Georgia caregivers assist with medication management:

  1. Remind the person to take the medication as prescribed.
  2. Monitor any dangerous or adverse interactions.
  3. Observe behavioral changes when prescribed medications.
  4. Ensure proper nutrition to complement regimen.
  5. Report issues during medical office visits while accompanying patient.
  6. Track dosages while providing medication reminders to patient.

Medication management and adherence is a safety concern that most families must consider when caring for their loved one.  Skilled nursing professionals and caregivers can be a life-saving resource for patients with long-term care needs.

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